Saturday, April 11, 2009

ओखलढुंगा महोत्सव


यसरी बिते प्रचण्डका साढे तीन घन्टा
साङितिक् को तर्फ बाट
चर्चित गायक नबिन दुङेल को सम्योजक मा बिभिन्न साङितिक् कार्यक्रम पनि हेर्न लायक को नै थियो ।

सेनापती रुक्मागत् कटुवाल का साथ् साङितिक् सम्योगक का नबिन दुङेल


(यो नयाँ पत्रीका बाट सावर गरिएको आलेख हो। )

मध्याह्नको टन्टलापुर घाम । ओखलढुंगा महोत्सव । कतिखेर प्रधानमन्त्री प्रचण्ड आउलान् भनेर पर्खिरहेको छ, पन्ध्र सयभन्दा ठूलो जमातले पोकली झरनामा । लगभग साढे बारतिर ओखलढुंगास्थित पोकलीको शिरमा हेलिकोप्टरले एक फन्का लगायो । पहाडको तीन चक्कर लाएपछि लेती निमाविको प्रांगणमा हेलिकोप्टरले भुइँ टेक्यो । एकछिनपछि कालो भादगाउँले टोपी र कालै कोटपाइन्टमा सजिएका प्रधानमन्त्री मुसुमुसु हाँस्दै तल ओर्लिए । धक्कमधक्का गर्दै दोलखा, रामेछाप र ओखलढुंगाका स्थानीयहरूले उनलाई गुजुप्प घेरे । कस्ता छन् प्रचण्ड ? भीड व्यवस्थित पार्न तयार पारिएको स्वयंसेवक दस्ता पनि प्रचण्डलाई छुन तँछाडमछाड गरिरहेका थिए । पोकली झरना महोत्सवको उद्घाटन गर्न आएका प्रचण्ड हप्प गर्मीमा भीडले घेरिए ।

'मीठो रहेछ,’ सुरुप्प एक घुट्को दही निलेर उनी अगाडि बढे । पछि थाहा भो, कुनै फ्यानले प्रचण्डले आधा पिएर बाँकी छोडेको दही किनेर लगेछन् ।
सीमित प्रहरी र राजधानीबाट प्रधानमन्त्रीको सुरक्षार्थ आएको नेपाली सेनाले भीडलाई अल्लि पर सारेपछि, केही आराम अनुभूति गरेका प्रचण्डले ओखलढुंगा क्षेत्र नं २ का सभासद् बालकृष्ण ढुंगेललाई सोधेका थिए, 'कतिमाथि छ कार्यक्रमस्थल ।'
सभासद् ढुंगेल प्रचण्डकै जस्तै जुँघा, कपाल र हाउभाउमा प्रशन्न देखिन्थे । फूलका माला पनि प्रचण्डकैझैं गलाभरि थिए । उनले दक्षिणतर्फ देखाउँदै भने, 'यो डाँडापारि छ, बढीमा दसै मिनेट लाग्ला ।' अनुहारभरि पसिना भरिएका प्रधानमन्त्रीले पनि उत्तर फर्काइहाले, 'ठीकै छ नि उकाली-ओराली त पहिले (युद्धकालमा) पनि गरेकै हो ।'

हुन त, उनको यात्राका लागि खैरो रङका बलिष्ठ दुई घोडा तयार थिए । स्थानीय बासिन्दासँग गफ गर्दै हिँड्दा प्रचण्डलाई कुरिरहेका घोडा पछि छुटे । प्रचण्ड अगाडि पुगे ।
एकजना ७० वर्षे झुस्स दाह्री, मैलिएको टाटेपाटे ढाका टोपीमा सजिएका दुब्लोकायाका वृद्ध भीड अगाडि आइपुगे । उनले दुई हात जोड्दै ती वृद्धलाई सोधे, 'सन्चै हुनुहुन्छ ?'
'बेसै छ ।' ती वृद्ध अँगालो मार्दै मुस्कुराए । प्रचण्डले पनि वृद्धलाई धाप दिए । अंगरक्षकले स्नेहसहित ती वृद्धलाई भीडमा छाडिदिए । अपरिचत वृद्धको यो अँगालोले प्रचण्डको अनुहारमा उज्यालो फैलिएको थियो । मुस्कुराउँदै उनी अगाडि बढे ।

हात हल्लाउँदै माथिल्लो लेतीबाट पोकलीतर्फ बढिरहँदा प्रचण्डले स्कुलतिर इसारा गर्दै उनले सभासद् ढुंगेललाई सोधेका थिए, 'कति कक्षासम्म पढाइहुन्छ यो स्कुलमा ?' जीर्ण छाना । आठ-नौ कोठाको स्कुल शान्त नै थियो । महोत्सवका लागि विद्यालय बन्द थियो । प्रायः विद्यार्थी पहेंलो टोपीमा सजिएका स्वयंसेवक बनेका थिए । जो प्रचण्डको स्वागतमा ताली बजाइरहेका थिए ।

'पाँचसम्म पढाइ हुन्छ,' सेना र प्रहरीको सुरक्षा घेराभित्र प्रधानमन्त्रीसँगै रहेका एकजनाले आयोजकले जानकारी दिए, '२००३ मा स्थापना भए पनि यो मावि हुन सकेन ।' प्रचण्डले स्वाभाविक रूपमा मुन्टो हल्लाए । आफूलाई संवेदनशील बताउने उनको अनुहार अँध्यारो थियो ।
प्रचण्ड पहिलोपल्ट ओखलढुंगा पुगेका थिए । र, पहिलोपल्ट लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्र नेपालका प्रथम प्रधानमन्त्रीलाई नजिकबाट नियाल्न तीन जिल्लाका बासिन्दा एकाबिहानैदेखि फूलमाल लिएर स्वागतमा उभिएका थिए । तिनै मालाले प्रचण्डको गर्दन भरिएको थियो । मालामाथि माला यति थपिए कि औपचारिक कार्यक्रमको मञ्चमा पुग्दा उनको भादगाउँले टोपी मात्र देखिन्थ्यो ।

धनुषवाण बोकेका शेर्पा, सुनुवार, आमा समूहलगायतको झाँकी केहीबेर मुस्कुराउँदै हेरेपछि उनले पर्यटन मन्त्री हिसिला यमीसँग कानेखुसी गरेका थिए । अनि, उनले कानेखुसी गर्न संस्कृति मन्त्री गोपाल किराँतीतिर टाउको ढल्काए । पण्डितहरूले वेदका मन्त्र उच्चारण गर्दा साविकझैं टाउको हल्लाउँदै उनले मन्त्री यमीसँग खै के भनेर फेरि साउती गरे । कार्यक्रमभरि प्रचण्ड अधैर्य देखिन्थे । उनका हातका औंला एकआपसमा जेलिन्थे । आयोजकको उपहार ढाका टोपी ग्रहण गर्न उनले कालो ढाका टोपी फुकाले । र, एकछिन् दुवै हत्केलाले निधारको कपाल पछाडि धकेले र मिलाए ।

अब पालो मन्तव्यको । जुरुक्क उठे । भीडलाई नियाले । उनले एकछिन्को राजनीतिक भाषणपछि भने, 'मेरो प्यारो ओखलढुंगा मैले स्कुल छँदै पढेको थिएँ । जाँच दिएको थिएँ । त्यसो भएकाले यस क्षेत्रप्रति विशेष स्नेह र माया छ ।'
औपचारिक कार्यक्रम सिद्धियो । आयोजकको पछि लागेर उनी उक्लिए कान्लामाथिको स्टलस्थलमा । बाँसबाट बनेको डोको-डालो भएको स्टलमा पुगेर रोकिएका प्रचण्डले सोधे, 'यहीँबाट पुग्छ है यो काठमाडौंमा ?'
उनीसँगैका आयोजकले सबै यहाँबाट नजाने जानकारी गराए ।

'साह्रै राम्रो बुन्नुहुँदो रहेछ' भन्दै स्टल रुँगिरहेका एकजना स्थानीयसँग प्रचण्डले सोधे, 'बाँस कहाँबाट ल्याउनुहुन्छ ?'
प्रधानमन्त्रीसँग दोहोरो संवाद गर्न पाएका उनले हर्षमिश्रति स्वरमा सुनाए, 'आफ्नै बारीको हो ।'
त्यसपछि बढे प्रचण्ड जडिबुटी भएको स्टलतिर । आयोजकले उनलाईर् ओखलढुंगामा महँगो र विरलै पाइने जडिबुटी देखाए । र, भने, 'जडिबुटी प्रशोधनका लागि यहीँ प्रयोगशाला भइदिएको भए । हाम्रो आयआर्जन बढ्ने थियो ।'
उनले मस्कुराउँदै फेरि मुन्टो हल्लाए ।

अब पालो हेन्डी क्राफ्ट स्टलको । केही नबोली करिब २० सेकेन्ड त्यो स्टलमा घोरिएका उनले अंगरक्षकसँग उनीको रुमाल किन्न भने र अझ अघि बढे । दहीको स्टलमा पुगेर प्रचण्ड रोकिएपछि स्टल रुग्न बसेकी महिलाले एक गिलास दही प्रचण्डलाई दिइन् ।
'यो यहीँको उत्पादन हो,' दही लिन हात बढाउँदै गर्दा आयोजक समूहका एकजनाले भने, 'यहाँ बजार नभएकाले दूध-दही बिक्री हुँदैन ।'
आयोजकको कुरा चुपचाप सुनिरहेका प्रचण्डले गिलासको दही चाखे र भने, 'मीठो रहेछ ।'
सुरुप्प एक घुट्को दही निलेर उनी अगाडि बढे ।

पछि थाहा भो, कुनै फ्यानले प्रचण्डले आधा पिएर बाँकी छोडेको दही किनेर लगेछन् ।
६२ स्टल घुमेर केही थकित देखिएका प्रचण्ड फेरि भीडमा घेरिए । भीडले उनलाई छुन चाहन्थ्यो । नजिकबाट हेर्न चाहन्थ्यो ।
स्वयंसेवक र सुरक्षाकर्मीको गोल घेराभित्र सबैलाई हात हल्लाउँदै प्रचण्ड उक्लिए, माथिल्लो लेतीतिर । जहाँ, उनलाई हेलिकोप्टरले पर्खिरहेको थियो । डाँडैडाँडा छेलिँदै हेलिकोप्टर काठमान्डूतिर बत्तियो ।

सुदर्शन सापकोटा

Total Comments= 16

By: santosh neupane
Address: banganga 1 pipra kapilvastu now basundhara ktm
Posted Date: Sun,November 9,2008,1:53 am

thika 6 tra unle afna karkrta man jite jasto lagyo jantako man jitna saknu paryo ni reporter ju. mao ko bichar sanga ramune unle ab dekhi ganeshman ra madn bhnadari ka bichar lai pani tam sath garnu pard6 .yatra ko karma manoranjan ra vasn 6atnu bhnada janyudh ma dukh payk sthniya basinda ko problem samdhan garn uni lagema jhna bes hune thiyo.mahotsv ma nay mane dekhnu bhanda uni bat jantale gareka asa ra parchndko jwaf barema pani bistrit barna awsk 6 .tesaile parchan ji yatr bhanda sambhidhan banuna pati lagema ati utam hune thiyo ki

By: Binaya Mali
Address: Gairidhara Kathmandu, now: Doha
Posted Date: Sat,November 8,2008,11:54 pm

wahiyat, prachanda paji ko pani kuro garne ho? reporter sap k garya yo?

By: sandesh Ghimire
Address: Ramechhap,
Posted Date: Sat,November 8,2008,11:53 pm

Congurlations pm prachanda. U r gone to pokli mahotsab. Tara tapaile pokali mahotasabma utheka sawallai munto hallayar matr nachhadnu hola hai. yo chheta ma utheka sawal sambodhan bhayo bhane yahaka pichhadiyaka samudayale rahat paune chhan. bichar garnus hai uddaka bale maximum use bhayako thau pani yahi chhetra ho. dhan jaos. Goodluck

By: Laxman Subedi
Address: Doha, Qatar
Posted Date: Sun,November 9,2008,12:20 am

La hai yettro fan ra janata le ghernu vaneko dherai maya dinu ho ra maya aafule biswas gareko manchhe lai mattra dinchhan janatale tesaile aba dhila nagari prime minister ji le janata le dekhne gari pariwartanko anuvuti hune kaam garnu garnu paryo. Satya ho pariwartan ekai raat ma ra chadai hune kura hoina taipani nothing is impossible in this world try we all are with u.

By: Darshan Gautam
Address: Dang
Posted Date: Sun,November 9,2008,2:12 am

सापकोटाजी धन्यवाद । प्रचण्डको बारेमा हामीलाई जानकारी दिनुभयो । प्रधानमन्त्रीको हाउभाउ कस्तो छ उनी के चाहन्छन् भन्ने कुरा बुझ्नु हाम्रो लागि अति नै आवश्यक छ । म अघिल्लो कमेन्ट गर्ने साथीले भनेको जस्तो म भन्नै चाहन्न । कुनै वरिष्ठ व्यक्तित्वको दिनचर्या लेख्नु वा त्यसबारेमा हामीलाई जानकारी दिनु अति नै राम्रो कार्य हो । देशको लागि म केही गर्छर्ुुन्नै नचाहने, एउटा भिजन पनि लिन नसकेकाहरुको दिनचर्या सुनाउनुभन्दा त प्रचण्डको बारेमा लेख्नु धेरै नै राम्रो कुरा हो । मलाई यत्ति थाहा छ कि उनी अहिलेका प्रधानमन्त्री हुन् जो १० वर्षो जनयुद्धपछि पहिलोपटक मै सरकारमा पुगेका छन् । उनले नेपाललाई चमत्कारिक ढंगले परिवर्तन गर्छर्ुुनेका छन् त्यही नै एउटा महान कुरा हो । उनले जुन कुरा गर्छर्ुुनेर भनेका छन् त्यसलाई हामी सबैले सपोर्ट गर्नैपर्छ किनकि उनले आफ्नो मात्र मातृभूमिको कुरा गरेका छैनन् हामी सबैको हितको कुरा गरेका छन् र गर्छन् पनि होला । आशा गरौं ।

By: xray
Address: Qld
Posted Date: Sun,November 9,2008,2:00 am

Yo ta Rajtantra ma Gyanendra Gaun Ghumna Gayako jasto bhayana ra? Hajaraun Manchhe ori pari ghumayera bina kunai exact goal sabailai jhutto aswasan dine praviti repeat bhayeko jasto lagyo,proof ko lagi Uhi puranai Gyanendra ko jasto"Hun6" j ma pani. Ghumera matra bhayena prachanda ji tesh thauko lagi lagi kehi bikaska programme lyaunu paryo kagaj ma matra hoina bebahar ma pani. kehi ta difference anubhab garunna janata le Rajtantra Vs Ganatantra ma.

By: achyut nepal
Address: kathmandu
Posted Date: Sun,November 9,2008,2:15 am

speak less do more u r perfect,, good luck wish to make new Nepal, we are with u always.and have support.

By: Niraj Ghimire
Address: Makwanpur
Posted Date: Sun,November 9,2008,2:30 am

Tapai khana lahuna pugne ko matra hoina jutra kapada lahune ra dido sisnu khane jatana ko PM ho.Mind it. Jatana ko bhabana bujher kam garnu hol. Naya nepal affai bancha. Mind it

By: ram nath rai
Address: Itahari
Posted Date: Sun,November 9,2008,3:08 am

Prachanda lai sano binti 6 mero ki tapae le jun bela hami desh ko conflict ma gujreko belama thulo bolima bhanu bhako thiyo ki aba nepaliko dukha gayo but ahile jhan jatil hude6 khoe ta hami jahile yesari nai basne ra hajur desko five star hotel ma khane 1,00,000.00 ko bad ma sutne ani mastile ghumne khali public lai boka banauna matra janeko prachandako k varosa 6 jati ghumepani so now we are be carefull

By: Pratap Adhikari
Address: Sharjha UAE
Posted Date: Sun,November 9,2008,4:31 am

Very nice Prime minister Parchanda. iam also your fan. thanks nayapatrika for give me the chance to write comments

By: baba
Posted Date: Sun,November 9,2008,12:43 pm

u haver no work so just visit ................. bec u forget about ...... ur main job

By: Mr. S. Rai
Address: Golfutar, Ktm
Posted Date: Sun,November 9,2008,12:36 pm

Hardik Badhai chha Okhal Dhunga bashi lai, Koi comments haru chain waiyat ma lekhie ka chhan, karan Okhal Dhunge bashi le dherai mehinet ka shath maha-udsab manae ka le PM ko visit naramra bhanna milchha ki mildaina yo malai bhanda Okhal Dhunga Bashi lai nai sodhna best hunchha. Koi bela hami janta lai pir-marka parda atalinu thikai ho tara satta lie ko 2 maina ma nai sabi kura ashambhab chha karan hamra najar ma aru party haru pani chhan ki desh lai khokro bahek aru kehi nagari satta hastantran gare ka chhan. Ra yo sarkar lai aile nai gali paihalne bela bhaeko chha jasto lagdaina. Hami ini haru lai jaile Ktm ma euta mantri ko ghar 2 bhanda dherai dekhan thalda chhoun taba ini haru bhagidar hune chhan jun bela sabi lai thaha hnchha yo Deshama chhora nabhaera mora matra janmida rahe chhan bhanera. Pheri arko party ko khoji pani janta le nai garne chhan. Moral Support ka lagi PM pugi die ko ma mero bichar ma ramro chha ra uslai janta le ijajat dieka chhan tyesai le janu ra hernu bhetnu ka shathai tyehan ka janta ka awashek k ho ra kasari Government support hunu shakchha tyo yojana puryauna chain ati jaruri chha natra ''farting into a water pond'' hunchha. Yesai ka shath-shath Okhaldhunga bashi lai yo katiyon Maha-Utsab ho malai thaha bhaena yesko shubha upalksha ma hardik shubha kamana ra Okhal Dhunga hara bhara sa-unnati ko shikhar lai chume ko Necha danda bata wallo patti dekhna paun bash yashi ma dherai khusi hune thien. Sbr Well wisher.

By: samjana basnet
Address: samakushi
Posted Date: Sun,November 9,2008,7:08 pm

i am agreed with the view of gautam ji, coz to criticise negetively only is not good,to develop the country is depend upon the people's good consent and positive thinking towards our nation leaders. if nation leaders want to do good for the country then why should we discourage? we have to support the leaders and each and every citizen must be concious positively. we have to take action only when the leaders misleads the country and misuse the people's power.i dont support the person but person's work and his good intension.

By: samjana basnet
Address: samakushi
Posted Date: Sun,November 9,2008,7:20 pm

i want to give tips to xray commentor, have you ever gone to meet the people of okaldunga and show you any interest to those people? have you hug to the poor people with love and concern? have you ever helped to the okaldunga's people? then you dont have to right to point out other. you do the work first and do point other.i give you tips ,dont be blind loving only your party and position but try to learn to support to other too if they try to do good.

By: Naween Dahal
Address: USA, KS
Posted Date: Sun,November 9,2008,8:09 pm

He is behaving as if he is really an another king of Nepal.I agree with x-ray ji.Country can not be improved simply by prasing a personality rather he shold have something to implement in his mind.Its not a matter of vision only, that does not work at all if he does not have its one clear way to implement it. Its not good to give place such niche article as a banner in a paper.

By: manoj
Address: kathmandu
Posted Date: Mon,November 10,2008,9:28 pm

ma ahile samma yehi sochira chu ki prachanda jasto ko jutho khane kun chai murkha hola ta!!!!! tyto pani kinera re...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Travel Deals to Okhaldhunga

Travel Deals to Okhaldhunga

Sitting at just over 5000 feet, Okhaldunga is an ideal destination for immersion in a genuine Nepali village. The magic of this town is conveyed in both it's hospitality and natural beauty. Although a narrow dirt road now connects this district to the rest of Nepal, the hilly terrain makes travel to Okhaldhunga difficult at best, and at times quite treacherous. For most, a two day walk from the town of Katari continues to be the best and safest way to reach Okhaldhunga.

Amidst a scenic wonderland, Okhaldhunga offers a truly Nepali experience. The district capital is a small town surrounded by hills dotted with small faming villages. Okhaldhunga's pristinely breathtaking scenery, immortalized by 20th century poet Siddhicharan Shrestha, invites visitors to a number of local hikes and treks, including a two hour walk to Pokali, the second largest waterfall in Nepal. During certain times of year, the crisp, clear skies give view to the Himalayas, including Mount Everest, providing a perfect excuse to relax in front of the world's tallest mountain range.

The Okhaldhunga district, with Okhaldhunga as its capital, is part of the Sagarmatha zone of eastern Nepal, one of 75 districts. It spans an area of about 1,100km2 and has a population of over 150,000 people.

Okhaldhunga also offers the setting to accomplish many things, working hand in hand with the community in such areas as education, English instruction, sanitation and waste management, health, youth activities, infrastructure planning and development, and more.

Your trip to Okhaldhunga is an all-inclusive opportunity to live and work in the “Real Nepal”, far away from city life.

Looking for a way to save on your next Okhaldhunga vacation? Look no further. We work to provide you discount travel deals on airline tickets, cheap rates on hotels, and more. Our Okhaldhunga travel deals are updated frequently to ensure your trip planning is easy on you and your wallet. We hope that you find that perfect Okhaldhunga deal to help get you going on that memorable getaway.


ओखलदुंगा hospital

okhaldhunga mission Hospital


In the early 1960’s, a Ghurka soldier extended an invitation to a physician in the British Army to start a medical project in the Okhaldhunga district. From its humble beginnings as a small remote clinic, it has grown into a small community hospital with 32 inpatient beds and an active Public Health Unit. Nestled in a remote region of the foothills of the Himalayas due south from Mount Everest, the hospital is the only facility in Okhaldhunga district and additionally serves people in four surrounding districts, accounting for a population of more than 250,000 people. In comparison to other areas of Nepal, Okhaldhunga district is severely impoverished. A recent study by the community health team, found that less than 3% of all people in this district have any extra resources left after meeting the basic needs of feeding their family. This is also is an acute care general hospital.

This hospital treats about 20,000 outpatients every year and admits about 1500 cases. Surgical procedures depend on the availability of a surgeon with the hospital normally performing about 1000 surgical procedures per year. The surgical procedures here consist of emergency life-saving surgeries including caesarean sections and some gynaecological emergencies. This hospital is not well equipped like Tansen hospital for complicated surgical procedures but there is potential for upgrading without much effort if a surgeon is available there for the longer term. There are 59 Nepali staff and two expatriates at this time.

This is also one of the more remote hospitals where family medicine doctors are trained for their district posting. These residents are trained in basic general surgery, obstetric and gynaecology and most of the time in basic anaesthesia. Therefore these residents provide crucial manpower in a hospital like this.


No constant motorable road, though there is a seasonal dirt road for transportation. Therefore this hospital can be reached by air ( 64 US Dollar one way from Kathmandu and 128 US Dollars return form Kathmandu as at April 2007) to Rumjatar and walk for 3 hours on foot. The hospital has:

* electricity and good water supply
* satellite phone and email
* a regular mail service to and from Kathmandu
* a flat with basic facilities situated near to the hospital.

Friday, March 20, 2009

सिद्दिचरन श्रेष्ठ ,एक समिच्छा :

नेपाली साहित्यका युगपुरुस सिद्दी चरन श्रेष्ठ को जन्म बि स १९६९ जेठ ९ गते ओखल्दुङगा जिल्ला मा भएको थियो। आफ्नो सम्पूर्ण जिबन नै काब्य साधना मा समर्पन गर्ने सिद्दिचरन नेपाली साहित्यिक फाट्मा" युगकबि"का रुप मा प्रसिद छन।
नेपाली साहित्य को स्वचन्दताबादि काब्यधारणा का प्रबतक , कबिता बाटनै क्रान्ति को शंखघोश गर्ने कबि , नेपाली साहित्यमा नारिको अन्तरबिबेचना तथा कबितमा सर्बपर्थम प्राकिर्तिक भुगोल क्प संखनाद गर्ने सिद्दिचरन नेपाली र नेवारी दुबै भाषाका सिद्ध हस्त कबि मानिन्छन। नेपाली र नेवारी गरी यिन का करिब ३ दर्जन कृति हरु प्रकाशित छन।

पत्नी का साथ् सिद्दिचरन

यदी तपाईं सँग पनि ओखल्दुङा को बारेमा कुनै पनि लेख, रचना,तथा कुनै पनि श्रस्टा को बारेमा जानकारी छ, भने हामी लाई संपर्क गर्नु होला।

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

नबीन दुङेल: त्यसपछी रेडियोमा गीत गाउँनै छाडिदिए।

त्यसपछी रेडियोमा गीत गाउँनै छाडिदिए।
(यो अन्तर्वाता २०६५ साल पुष ६ गते आईतवार को गोर्खा पत्र बाट सावार गरिएको हो। )
नबीन दुङेल

काठमाडौं । नबीन दुङेल, नेपाली लोक गायन को क्षेत्र मा चिनियको नाम हो । केही बर्ष देखी गायन मा ओझेल परेका गायक दुङेल आफु ओझेल मा पर्नु भएका गयक नबिन दुङेल पुन : साली भेना अल्बुम बाट चर्चीत् हुनु भएको थियो। लोक गीत को अल्बम प्रकाशन को तयारी म रहेका दुङेल नेपाली सेना को रुप मा नेपाल का अधीकाम्स भु - भाग तेक्नुभयो।
त्यही क्रम मा नेपाली जन जीवन मा भिजेका लोक्भाका पनि तिप्नु भयो र रेडियो मा गाउनु भयो । फलशोरुप उहाका प्राय : लोक गीत जन जीवन सँग गसियका र जन प्रिय भयका मनिए। सैनिक तालिम मा पस्चिममा रहदा गाउ बाट तिपेको गीत गायक दुङेल ले २०३८ साल मा रास्त्रिय लोक गीत प्रतियोगितामा प्रथम हुँनुभएको थियो । त्यो बेलामा उहा ले गाउँउ भ एको थियो- "काचो कटर म जान्छु राङ्खोला रोक मोटर ...। " भन्नुहुन्छ "लोक् गीत भनेको नै लोक जीवन सँग गासिएको हुन्छ । त्यस का फुल बूट्ता भर्नु आबश्यक छैन ।"
सेना मा जागिर भएका कारण जुन सुकै बेला मा गीत गाउँन जान मिलथेन। माथिला निकाय मा अनुमती लियर बल्लतल्ल रेडियो मा गीत गाउँ न पुग्यो , रेडियो मा समय आर्कै ले मिचीदिन्थे । त्यती हुँदाहुँदै पनि नबिन ले रेडियो मा कारीब ५० वटा जती गीत रेकर्ड गराउनु भयो। रेडियो नेपाल सँग उहा को तितो अनुभव पनि छ । जुन घटना ले उहा लाई रेडियो नेपाल प्रती नै बित्रिस्ना जगाएथ्यो। नेपाली श्रोतामा ज्यादै नै चर्चित गीत माछी मारन हो.... दाई हो रक्सी लाई चतनी मची मारन.............गित नबिन ले रेकर्द गराउनु भयो रेडियो नेपाल मा। नबिन का मित नबिन गुरुङ ले सन्क्लन गरेको यो गीत मा सुर्य थुलुङ्, हिरा देवी ,तिर्थ कुमारी ले पनि गाउनु भएको छ । सो गीत रेकार्ड गरायपछी सैनिक तलिम का लागि भारत गएको मौका मा माछी मारन..............गितमा गायक बाट आफ्नो नाम हताएको थियो। पछी फर्केर आय पछी नाम हताएको बिषयमा बिबाद पनि भएको तर आफु ले न्याए नपाएको कारण रेडियो मा गीत गाउन नै नगएको बताउनु हुन्छ । गायक दुङेल रेडियो मा गीत गाउदा को स्मरन यसरी गर्नु हुन्छ "बाहिर बाट कसैले गीत सन्कलन गरेर ल्याउछन् भनेर ब्यकुला ले माछो धुकेसरी रेडियो नेपाल का बारीस्थ भन्ने हरु धुकेर बस्था रहेछन् । त्यस कारण रेडियो म गयर गीत गाउन नै छाडे"। ओखलडुंगा को पोकली गा बि स ४ वाच्पो मा १०१८ साल मा जन्मनु भएका नबिन ले पोकली को परीबेस बाट नै लोक गायन को स्वाद चाक्ख्नु भएको हो। एस् ल् सि पास् गरे पछी सेना मा जागिर खान हिनेका नबिन ले सैनिक को जागिर सँगै लोक् गायन को क्षेत्र मा ख्याती कमाउनु भयो । उहा का ,साईकल सरर हा साईकल सरर....कल्ले कत्यो बार.......... पानी कुवाइको ताल को माछा छेयू लाग्यो छल्कै ले........पारी पाखै मा मेरो दिल बस्यो गाजलु आँखैमा ......घुम्ती मा भेट भयो ....... आदी दर्जनौ गीत हित छन ,र नबिन दुङेल क गिती अल्बम का रुप मा चरी हिमाल मा (2048)पिपल सँगए बर (२०४३) ,दोरी को तीन फुदा (२०४५)पुर्बेली कान्छो (२०५६) ,साली भेना (२०५९) तिर्खा मेटाइदेउ(२०६३) अल्बम प्र का सित छन्। पुर्बेली कान्छो अल्बम उहा को छोरा अभय दुङेल ली संक्लन गर्नु भएको थियो, ।

नौलो गौ मा आएका जन्ती
आफ्नै साली रहीछन् लोकन्ती

मन पर्ने एउता साली छ
मान्छे त राम्रै हो अली काली छ ।

नबिन दुङेल ले नै गाउँ नु भएको हो यो गीत, गीत को प्रसँग कोत्याए, नबिन जोड ले हास्नु भयो । " म मान्छे अली रौसे पनि "गौ घर का बिहे बारी मा जड रचेको यो गीत को चर्चा गर्दै गयक नबिन ले भन्नु भयो साली कै कर म यो गीत साली लाई नै लेखेको हा हा हा हा हा ........
(यो अन्तर्वाता २०६५ साल पुष ६ गते आईतवार को गोर्खापत्र बाट सावार गरिएको हो। )

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Thursday, March 12, 2009

About पोकली falls,Okhaldhunga, नेपाल Source: eKantipur

By Dr. Khagendra N Sharma
I happened to read two articles on the prospects of the development of the Pokali Falls watershed of Okhaldhunga district in the issues of the 6th and 8th February, 07 of the Jagaran Times. Almost obsessed by the overwhelming political literature on present Nepal, I felt excited to turn to the concept of development. I was born and brought up in the hills of Ilam and am familiar with the problems and prospects of development in the hills. I have never been to Okhaldhunga, but the two articles mentioned above made me feel that I know the district almost from my heart. The truth is that I had only read the poem entitled Mero Pyaro Okhaldhunga by poet Siddhicharan on the beauty and love of Okhandhunga during my school days. Although I did not write any poem myself, that poem had aroused a deep sense of love for my own district in my mind and I spent six important formative years of my career in the service of Ilam, as the founder principal of its college. I was exposed to the issues of development in Ilam where I was also motivated and involved in a lot of activities other than the running of the college. Sharing this experience, I want to speculate on the development prospects in the Pokali Falls area of Okhaldhunga.

Although Ilam had the initial advantage of being exposed to the development prospects because of its proximity with the Darjeeling area of West Bengal, Okhaldhunga is situated in the central eastern hills and can have the future advantage of sustained growth centre. I have not seen any leader or planner with this focus of development in the context of Okhaldhunga. But, looking at the central location of the district, this is a definite prospect. Ilam had the initial push because of its cash crop potentials particularly that of the tea plantation, cardamom plantation, ginger plantation, potato farming, cattle raising for dairy, all of which were export oriented. Lately, it is trying its hands at the growth of tourism. Ilam has natural attractions that can allure increasing number of tourists. It has also got some religious places that can attract tourists.

Going through the two articles in the Jagaran Times, one feels that Okhaldhunga is blessed with the most attractive natural marvels. The Pokali Falls is just one. The district headquarters is the obvious one which inspired Siddhicharan Shrestha to compose the immortal poem on its beauty and love. A stretch of imagination comes into my mind connecting Okhaldhunga Bazaar with the Pokali Falls, approximately two days leisurely walk on foot. If this stretch is made motorable, a vast array of socio economic development can be launched with the local resources alone. The Pokali fall is the obvious attraction for the outsider tourist, but the people living on either side of the road can make the most unexpected economic gains from the road.

The road connects the centre not only with the ultimate destination but also with the outreach along the road. Every road has a hinterland with plenty of resources and products. The road is the booster of the resource use and the products. The present state of the products may be rudimentary. But the road brings in qualitative changes or improvement in the production process and quantum, delivery services and marketing. If there are cottage level indigenous industries in the region, their quality will be improved, their quantity will be vastly increased and their potential market will be expanded several times. Similarly, in the case of agriculture, the subsistence level farming can be converted into a market based cash farming, hugely improving the economic status of the farmers. There is the prospect of agro-based industries.

One obvious prospect is that of development of tourism. The Pokali fall is so fascinating that it will attract a horde of tourists. But the mere attraction of nature is not enough. Tourism needs a range of infrastructure. The first is the road which we presume there will be in the near future. But there is a greater need for the accommodation of the incoming tourists. Hotels are the priority need. Good food and comfortable lodge will attract a large number of tourists. Resorts are the present fashion. They can run a number of entertainment and adventurous activities in and around the resorts. If good and comfortable resorts are made, we can expect national and international tourists. They can arrange a number of local cultural shows as part of their entertainment programmes. They can make tracks on either side of the 130 metre fall where lovers will spend imaginative moments of their life. You can go on imagining. The sky is the limit.

But who will take the lead? The central level politicians have no spare time from their politics of indulgence in power. The local level politicians are dependent on their central leaders. No visionary leader ever looks back into the villages. The villages need a lead, but a true lead is not forthcoming. When the shape of future of Nepal itself is not structured, the future of local structure is all the more foggy. In such a state of affairs, the leaders are not expected to take a deterministic step in local level development. That is the fate of local development now.

But there is a ray of hope in the case of the Pokali fall and its watershed area. Enthusiastic local youths of Okhaldhunga presently studying or working and residing in the capital have taken a due initiative to form a society called the Pokali Falls Service Society (PWSS). There are several inspirational features in the society. There are 11 founder members under the inspired chairmanship of a tantric student named Guru Kedar Baral. All the 11 members are young and energetic. Their composition is inclusive in nature with three women, two dalit and two Sunuwar members/ office bearers. With less than a year in existence, they have already published a calendar which could be the beginning of the tourism promotion activity. The Society is now articulating its future strategy. They can augment their work by working in collaboration with the development agencies some of which are named below.

Until a new local governance structure is developed under a new constitution, the District Development Committee (DDC) is the proper local governance unit that can decide the development activities within the district. Above the DDC, the Ministry of Local Development (MLD) is the central government agency that coordinates the local development programs and provides needed resources. Apart from that, a number of international governmental, intergovernmental and non governmental agencies are also involved in different programmes of local development. To take some examples, CARE/Nepal has been involved in a number of watershed management programs; SNV of the Netherlands and GTZ of Germany are involved in different local development programs; UNDP has been supporting a number of local development programs.

The PWSS is a non governmental initiative that will harness support from all the possible sources. DDC is urged not only to support it but also to develop it as a model to be emulated by the other regions of the district. The government is urged to give it the needed resources and other support. The donors are urged to extend their helping hands in the development of the Pokali watershed area. The intellectuals are urged to develop a proper focus on the parameters of local or regional development. The hoteliers or resort owners are urged to expand their business in the rural areas, and give this venture a realistic consideration. Tourism must flourish in the private sector. It will be the good policy of the government to promote such people oriented programs.

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Monday, March 9, 2009

घटराज भट्टराई, एक परिचय

घटराज भट्टराईको जन्म संवत् १९९९ साल मङ्सीर १० गते ओखलढुङ्गाको सेर्नामा भएको थियो । उहाँले २०२५ सालमा त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालयबाट नेपालीमा एम.ए. गर्नुभएको थियो । उहाँले ३५ वर्ष सोही विश्वविद्यालयमा प्राध्यापन गर्नुभएको थियो । साथै उहाँ पशुपति बहुमुखी क्याम्पसमा २२ वर्ष अघिदेखि क्याम्पस प्रमुख हुनुहुन्थ्यो ।

घटराज भट्टराई सुप्रवल गोरखा दक्षिणबाहु, गद्दीआरोहण रजतमहोत्सव पदक, वीरेन्द्रऐश्वर्य सेवा पदक, भूपालमानसिंह कार्की कृति पुरस्कार, मुक्ति पुरस्कार (सीताराम प्रज्ञाप्रतिष्ठान), झपट पुरस्कार, वेदनिधि पुरस्कार, दीपरत्न सम्मान, छिन्नलता सम्मान आदिबाट विभूषित र सम्मानित हुनुहुन्थ्यो । साथै उहाँ थुप्रै सामाजिक, शैक्षिक र सांस्कृतिक संस्थाबाट अभिनन्दित पनि हुनुभएको थियो । उहाँ २०३१ सालमा नेपाल राजकीय प्रज्ञाप्रतिष्ठानबाट आयोजित राष्ट्रिय कविता महोत्सवमा प्रथम हुनुभएको थियो ।

घटराज भट्टराईँका निबन्ध, प्रवन्ध, जीवनी, काव्य, खोज, अनुसन्धान, समालोचना, पाठ्यपुस्तक गरी अनेकौँ कृति प्रकाशनमा आएका छन् ।

घटराज भट्टराईँ त्रिमूर्ति निकेतन र लक्ष्मीप्रसाद देवकोटा प्रतिष्ठानका संस्थापक अध्यक्ष हुनुहुन्थ्यो। साथै उहाँ लेखनाथ पौड्याल काव्यसभा, बालकृष्ण सम फाउन्डेशन, सीताराम प्रज्ञाप्रतिष्ठान, भारती खरेल प्रतिष्ठान, झपट पुरस्कार गुठी, वेदनिधि प्रबन्ध समिति, छिन्नलता गुठी, कोइलीदेवी सङ्गीत कोष, नइ प्रकाशनआदि संस्थामा पनि स्थापनाकालदेखि नै सकृय रुपमा संलग्न हुनुहुन्थ्यो । उहाँ त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालय सिनेट र नेपाल राजकीय प्रज्ञाप्रतिष्ठानको सदस्य पनि हुनुन्थ्यो ।

घटराज भट्टराई काठमाडौंको कपनफैंकामा बसोबास गर्दै आउनुभएको थियो। उहाँका श्रीमती प्रभा भट्टराई, दुई छोरा डा.दिनेश र डा.राजेश, चार छोरी साधना, कल्पना, रमा र अर्चना हुनुहुन्छ ।

घटराज भट्टराईको मस्तिष्क क्यान्सर (Glioblastoma multiforme: grade IV) का कारणबाट २०६३ साल साउन २२ गते सोमबार राति १०:१० बजे निधन भएको थियो ।

घटराज भट्टराईका कृति


१. कविताकुसुम (२०२३)

२. आजकीसित (२०२३)

३. काव्यत्रयी (२०२३)

४. बादल फाटेपछि (२०२५)

५. अमरज्योति (२०२९)

६. मोतीमत (२०३९)

७. जयबाल (२०५१)

जीवनी तथा समालोचना

८. गुणराज : व्यक्ति र कृति (२०३१)

९. भिमनिधि: व्यक्ति र कृति (२०३२)

१०.संस्कृतका अमर साहित्यकार (२०३४)

११.अमरप्राज्ञ (२०३९)

१२.प्रतिभै प्रतिभा र नेपाली साहित्य (२०४०)

१३.बालचन्द्र शर्मा :व्यक्तित्व र साधना (२०४४)

१४.खोजखाज (२०५४)

१५.साहित्यकार परिचय कोश (२०५१)

१६.नेपाली लेखक कोश (२०५६)


१७.डोल्पाकी छोटी (२०३९)

१८.गोसाईकुण्ड (२०४६)

१९.भानुयात्राका आठदिन (२०५४)

अन्वेषण तथा सम्पादन

२०. आशुकवि शम्भुका काव्यकृति (२०३७)

२१. साहित्यकार झपटबहादुर राणा (२०३७)

२२. लुकेका कवि र कविता (२०३९)

२३. माध्यमिककालीन कवि र कविता (२०४५)

२४. यज्ञरचनावली (२०४६)

२५. आशुकवि शम्भुप्रसाद ढुङ्गेलको परिचय (२०४६)

२६. प्राचीन नेपाली पद्यसङ्ग्रह (सघ:२०४६)

२७. प्राचीन नेपाली गद्यसङ्ग्रह (सघ:२०४७)

२८. आदिकवि भानुभक्त आचार्यको जीवनचरित्र (२०४९)

२९. बुइँगलको एउटा बाकस (कसघ:२०५३)

३०. एउटा अर्को बुइँगल (कसघ: २०५३)

३१. शम्भुका गजल (कसघ:२०५४)

३२. शम्भुका गीतहरु (कसघ:२०५४)

३३. शम्भुका स्फुट पद्यहरु (कसघ:२०५४)

३४. शम्भुरचनावली (२०५४)

३५. महाकवि देवकोटाका आनीबानी (२०५५)


३६. महेन्द्रमाला,भाग ७ (२०३१)

३७. नेपालीव्याकरणः रचना र साहित्य(२०५१)

३८. भाषाविज्ञान र साहित्य सिद्धान्त (२०५४)

३९. व्याकरणबोधः रचना र समीक्षा (२०५४)

४०. नेपालीसाहित्यको ऐतिहासिकरुपरेखा(२०५५)

४१. नेपाली स्नातक समालोचना (२०५९)

४२. नेपाली स्नातकोत्तर समालोचना (२०५९)

(थप कृतिको प्रतीक्षा गरौं)

त्रिमूर्ति निकेतनले निकेतनका संस्थापक अध्यक्ष स्वर्गीय घटराज भट्टराईको पूण्यस्मृतिमा 'घटराज भट्टराई स्मारक कोश'को स्थापना गरेको छ । सो कोश सञ्चालनका लागि निकेतनका अध्यक्ष श्रीमती इन्दिरा प्रसाईका अध्यक्षतामा नौ सदस्यीय एक समितिको पनि गठन गरिएको छ ।

'घटराज भट्टराई स्मारक कोश' ले एक वर्षम्ममा काठमाडौं उपत्यकाभित्र स्वर्गीय भट्टराईको पूर्णकदको सालिक स्थापना गर्ने भएको छ । मूर्तिकार श्री ओम खत्रीले बनाउने सो सालिकको उचाई साडे छ फूटको हुने छ । मूर्तिकार श्री खत्रीले नै पाँच वर्षअघि चीनको बेझङिमा पनि राष्ट्रियविभूति अरनीकोको पूर्णकदको सालिक बनाउनु भएको थियो । बागलुङ निवासी ३५ वर्षीय श्री खत्री भारतको दिल्ली विश्वविध्यालयबाट M.F.A (मूर्तिकला) मा प्रथम श्रेणीमा प्रथम हुनुभएको हो ।

स्वर्गीय घटराज भट्टराईका विषयमा तीन वटा बृहतग्रन्थ पनि प्रकाशित हुने भएका छन् । नरेन्द्रराज प्रसाई र इन्दिरा प्रसाईको सम्पादनमा प्रकाशित हुने ती ग्रन्थमा स्वर्गीय भट्टराईप्रति समर्पित कविता तथा भट्टराईसँगका संस्मरण र भट्टराईका कृतिमा आधारित समालोचना रहनेछन्

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

ओखलढुङ्गा ले जन्माएका ब्यक्तीहरुका केही तस्बिरहरु ...........


घटराज भट्टराई

Abhay Dhungel

Simos Sunuwar

Keshav Bhattrai

Nabin Dhungel

Dr.Shankar Sharma

Pandav sunuwar

Dinesh Adhikari

ओखलढुंगा जिल्लाको ऐतिहासिक पृष्ठभूमि

मल्लकालीन समयमा राजा लक्ष्मीनरसिंह मल्लले राज्य विस्तार गर्न काजी भीम मल्ललाई यस भेगमा पठाएका थिए। उनले यहां राज्य चलाएका किराँतलाई लखेटे। उनको फौजसंग धान भएको र यहाँको ठूलो ढुंगाको खोपिल्टामा धान कुटे र भात खाएकोले त्यही ढुंगाको ओखलको नामले यो ठाँउको नाम ओखलढुंगा रहन गएको हो भन्ने जनश्रुति छ।

भौगोलिक अवस्था


२७ डिग्री उत्तरदेखि २७ डिग्री ३२ मिनेट उत्तर अक्षांश र ८६ डिग्री १० मिनेटदेखि ८६ डिग्री ४१ मिनेट पूर्व देशान्तरको फैलावट र समुनद्र सतहदेखि ३९० देखि ३६०६ मिटरको उचाईमा रहेको यस जिल्लाको क्षेत्रफल १०७४ वर्ग किलोमिटर छ। क्षेत्रफललाई केन्द्रीय तथ्यांक विभागको आधारमा मानिएको छ।


यसको पूर्वमा खोटाङ्ग जिल्ला, पश्चिममा रामेछाप जिल्ला, उत्तरमा सोलुखूम्वु जिल्ला र दक्षिणमा उदयपुर र सिन्धुली जिल्ला पर्दछन्।

प्रशासनिक विभाजन

ओखलढुंगा नेपालको पूर्वाञ्चल विकास क्षेत्रको सगरमाथा अंचलको एउटा जिल्ला हो। यस जिल्लामा ५६ वटा गाउँ विकास समिति र ११ वटा इलाका र २ वटा निर्वाचन क्षेत्र छन्।

प्राकृतिक विभाजन

यस जिल्लालाई लेकाली क्षेत्र, मध्य पहाडी क्षेत्र र वेसी गरी ३ भागमा विभाजन गर्न सकिन्छ।


यस जिल्लाको अधिकांश भागमा समशितोष्ण हावापानी पाईन्छ।

सरदर वार्षिक र तापक्रम

वार्षिक वर्षा :- २००७.० मिलिलिटर (२००१-२००२ ई) छ।

वार्षिक औसत तापक्रम :- १७.९ (डिग्री सेल्सीयस (२००१ ई))

प्राकृतिक श्रोत साधन


जिल्लाको कूल क्षेत्रफल ३५ प्रतिशत भूभाग (३४,४१८.७ हेक्टर) वनले ढाकिएको छ। वनजंगलमा विभिन्न किसिमका जडिवुटिहरु पाइन्छन्। जम्मा वनको क्षेत्रफल ३४,४१८.७७ हेक्टर र सामुदायिक वन १९७६९.७७ हेक्टर रहेको छ।

वन्य जन्तु र पशुपंक्षी

वन्यजन्तुमा वाघ, भालु, मृग, घोरल, चितुवा, हरिण, चित्तल, झारल, स्याल, व्वांसो, वादर, खरायो आदि पाइन्छन् भने वन्य पंक्षीमा डाफे, मुनाल, मयूर, कालिज, तित्रा, ढुकुर, काग, सराउ, मलेवा, गिद्ध, चिल, भगेरा आदि पाइन्छन्।

नदी, खोलानाला र झरनाहरु

पूर्वमा दुधकोशी, पश्चिममा लिखू(हिमगंगा) र दक्षिणमा सुनकोशीले सिमा निर्धारण गर्दछन्। मोलुङखोला मध्यभाग भएर वहन्छ। अन्य खोला नालामा ठोट्न खार्ते, पोक्तिङ, एलुङ, सेप्ली, पोकली, चोक्टीमंगला, साल्पू, डुडे, जुगे, लिपे, ढाडखोला, पाताले आदि पर्दछन्। खोलाहरुले वनाएका झरनाहरुमा १३१ मीटर अग्लो २ हिस्सा भएको पोक्ली र अन्य झरनाहरुमा सेप्ली, सेर्ना, ढिकुरे, सेलेले आदि पर्दछन्।

खनिज पदार्थ

जन्तरखानी, विलन्दु, शेर्ना, गौरीवन, ढुंग्रेमा तामा र फलाम खानी भएको अनुमान छ। खिजि, रगनी, पोकली आदि ठाँउहरुमा खरिढुंगा र स्लेट प्रशस्त मात्रामा पाइन्छन्।

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Travel to Okhaldhunga Please!

Posted by BLS
May 19, 2007

While many parts of Nepal has yet to be explored by travelers, this month, we picked a district that equally provides intriguing travel experiences for locals as well as foreigners, we hope you will visit this destination soon.

Okhaldhunga is a district of Nepal. Here two major festivals are held in the year namely Mani Rimdu (Lama Dance) during spring season of Nepal, and Dumchi Lama Dance in autumn season. It is a valley where approximately 5000 people reside on the steep Himalayan foothills of Heavenly Everest. Everest is known but they don’t know that Okhaldungha is the base - a district that is very close to the Highest Mountain on Earth!

A Nepali singer, Late Narayan Gopal, who is regarded as the “Nepali King of Voice”, sang a song fully dedicating to this place - the Okhaldhungha, a district of Nepal. The song is highly respected, honored, lives in the hearts of Nepalese, and is regarded as one of the ever-green Nepali songs of all time. It sings about a person’s life in Okhaldunga and how beautiful the place was for him, yet the place has yet to receive required profile. It is generally believed that many of the hard working tour operators, mountain climbers come from Okhaldunga.

The following video also shows the map showing where Okhaldunga is located in Nepal as well as the song by Narayan Gopal. The map looks fuzzy but it does show you the location within in the country. Watch this video even if you don’t understand the song. For a few help with the translation… … here it is, lyrics located below The lyrics :

Timrai Sundaar Hareyalee Maaa
(In your beautiful Greenery)

Timrai Seetal Bachhasthal Maa
(In your refreshing environment)

Yoo Kabi Ko Sayei Saab Kal Beityoo
(This poets 100s years gone)

Hasyoo Khayaloo BanGunja Ghumyoo
(Played and Walked in the Jungles Happily)

Mero Payrooooooooo Okhaldungha
My Lovely Place Okhaldungha.

(the rest ? well, we need someone who knows Nepali poetry and can translate it into English, this song is rich of Nepali poetry !)

For Images Related to Okhaldunga you might find these resources useful

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Pokali the second largest waterfall in Nepal

Sitting at just over 5000 feet, Okhaldunga is an ideal destination for immersion in a genuine Nepali village. The magic of this town is conveyed in both it's hospitality and natural beauty. Although a narrow dirt road now connects this district to the rest of Nepal, the hilly terrain makes travel to Okhaldhunga difficult at best, and at times quite treacherous. For most, a two day walk from the town of Katari continues to be the best and safest way to reach Okhaldhunga.

Amidst a scenic wonderland, Okhaldhunga offers a truly Nepali experience. The district capital is a small town surrounded by hills dotted with small faming villages. Okhaldhunga's pristinely breathtaking scenery, immortalized by 20th century poet Siddhicharan Shrestha, invites visitors to a number of local hikes and treks, including a two hour walk to Pokali, the second largest waterfall in Nepal. During certain times of year, the crisp, clear skies give view to the Himalayas, including Mount Everest, providing a perfect excuse to relax in front of the world's tallest mountain range.

The Okhaldhunga district, with Okhaldhunga as its capital, is part of the Sagarmatha zone of eastern Nepal, one of 75 districts. It spans an area of about 1,100km2 and has a population of over 150,000 people.

Okhaldhunga also offers the setting to accomplish many things, working hand in hand with the community in such areas as education, English instruction, sanitation and waste management, health, youth activities, infrastructure planning and development, and more.

Your trip to Okhaldhunga is an all-inclusive opportunity to live and work in the “Real Nepal”, far away from city life.

Okhaldhunga Festival: I won’t make false promise: PM

Okhaldhunga, Nov. 6- Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ says no power in the world can undermine Nepal’s unity.

Prime Minister Prachanda made this observation while inaugurating the Okhaldhunga Pokali Waterfall Festival here Thursday.

Vowing that he will not make false promises to the people and mislead them, he said the government would remain committed towards the maximum utilisation of the limited means and resources of the state.

The Prime Minister said the government is committed to taking the peace process of the country to a logical conclusion and to writing a new Constitution on time.

Minister for Culture and State Restructuring Gopal Kiranti Rai said the promotion of tourism by way of publicizing the Pokali waterfall would help bring about improvement in the living standards of the people of Okhaldhunga district.

Minister for Tourism and Civil Aviation, Hisila Yami said the decade-long historic people’s war was fought for bringing the remote places like Pokali on the national development agenda.

The two-day Pokali Waterfall Festival has been organized with the objective of promoting rural tourism in Pokali area.

At the tourism festival, people of the Sunuwar, Tamang, Sherpa, Pariyar, Magar, Gurung and Sarki communities from the district displayed tableaus highlighting their respective costumes, culture and tradition.

The local mothers groups presented the Ratyuli dance and the communities from Ramechhap Gothgaon the Damphu dance.

Locals from Ramechhap, Okhaldhunga and Solukhumbu were present in the festival. They called on the government to develop the Pokali area into a prime tourism destination.

Constituent Assembly member from Ramechhap Tara Narayan Shrestha, Constituent Assembly member duo from Okhaldhunga district Keshav Rai and Balkrishna Dhungel,Musician Nabin DHungel former vice-chairman of the National Planning Commission Dr. Shankar Sharma and leaders of different political parties underlined the need for the government to take appropriate measures for the development of Okhaldhunga district.

Pandav Sunuwar no more

KATHMANDU, Oct 7 - Senior radio anchor, folk singer, and noted collector Pandav Sunuwar passed away Saturday morning at the age of 53 in London's King's College Hospital.

Sunuwar, who had been suffering from acute complication in his lungs and kidney since last few weeks died today at the hospital at around 9:30 a.m. (NST). He was diagnosed with lungs problem seven years ago.

Sunuwar was taken to London a month ago after his condition could not improve during treatment in Kathmandu. He was in coma for last few days.

Born in 1952 in Okhaldhunga district, Sunuwar joined Radio Nepal in 1970 and worked as programme producer and anchor.

The programs he hosted like Phone-in, Chautari, Indreni and Rodhi, aired by Radio Nepal, were very popular.

He had recorded numerous songs. The songs - Chui Chui Chuikane Jutta�, Dhunga Hanahan�, Jamjhama Istakot�, Sapanabhari Hashi Rahanchu� gained enormous popularity.

Winner of best musician award from Radio Nepal, Sunuwar has more than 100 folk songs and modern songs to his credit.

He is survived with wife, two sons and one daughter.

Meanwhile, Minister of State for Information and Communications, Dilendra Prasad Badu has expressed deep sorrow over the untimely demise of Sunuwar and extended heartfelt condolence to the bereaved family.

Radio Nepal Family also expressed deep sorrows over the demise of Sunuwar, and expressed condolence to the bereaved family.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Pokali waterfall ,Okhaldhunga

By Dr Khagendra N Sharma
I happened to read two articles on the prospects of the development of the Pokali waterfall watershed of Okhaldhunga district in the issues of the 6th and 8th February, 07 of the Jagaran Times. Almost obsessed by the overwhelming political literature on present Nepal, I felt excited to turn to the concept of development.

I was born and brought up in the hills of Ilam and am familiar with the problems and prospects of development in the hills. I have never been to Okhaldhunga, but the two articles mentioned above made me feel that I know the district almost from my heart. The truth is that I had only read the poem entitled Mero Pyaro Okhaldhunga by poet Siddhicharan on the beauty and love of Okhandhunga during my school days.

Although I did not write any poem myself, that poem had aroused a deep sense of love for my own district in my mind and I spent six important formative years of my career in the service of Ilam, as the founder principal of its college. I was exposed to the issues of development in Ilam where I was also motivated and involved in a lot of activities other than the running of the college. Sharing this experience, I want to speculate on the development prospects in the Pokali waterfall area of Okhaldhunga.

Although Ilam had the initial advantage of being exposed to the development prospects because of its proximity with the Darjeeling area of West Bengal, Okhaldhunga is situated in the central eastern hills and can have the future advantage of sustained growth centre. I have not seen any leader or planner with this focus of development in the context of Okhaldhunga. But, looking at the central location of the district, this is a definite prospect. Ilam had the initial push because of its cash crop potentials particularly that of the tea plantation, cardamom plantation, ginger plantation, potato farming, cattle raising for dairy, all of which were export oriented. Lately, it is trying its hands at the growth of tourism. Ilam has natural attractions that can allure increasing number of tourists. It has also got some religious places that can attract tourists.

Going through the two articles in the Jagaran Times, one feels that Okhaldhunga is blessed with the most attractive natural marvels. The Pokali waterfall is just one. The district headquarters is the obvious one which inspired Siddhicharan Shrestha to compose the immortal poem on its beauty and love. A stretch of imagination comes into my mind connecting Okhaldhunga Bazaar with the Pokali waterfall, approximately two days leisurely walk on foot. If this stretch is made motorable, a vast array of socio economic development can be launched with the local resources alone. The Pokali fall is the obvious attraction for the outsider tourist, but the people living on either side of the road can make the most unexpected economic gains from the road.

The road connects the centre not only with the ultimate destination but also with the outreach along the road. Every road has a hinterland with plenty of resources and products. The road is the booster of the resource use and the products. The present state of the products may be rudimentary. But the road brings in qualitative changes or improvement in the production process and quantum, delivery services and marketing. If there are cottage level indigenous industries in the region, their quality will be improved, their quantity will be vastly increased and their potential market will be expanded several times. Similarly, in the case of agriculture, the subsistence level farming can be converted into a market based cash farming, hugely improving the economic status of the farmers. There is the prospect of agro-based industries.

One obvious prospect is that of development of tourism. The Pokali fall is so fascinating that it will attract a horde of tourists. But the mere attraction of nature is not enough. Tourism needs a range of infrastructure. The first is the road which we presume there will be in the near future. But there is a greater need for the accommodation of the incoming tourists. Hotels are the priority need. Good food and comfortable lodge will attract a large number of tourists. Resorts are the present fashion. They can run a number of entertainment and adventurous activities in and around the resorts. If good and comfortable resorts are made, we can expect national and international tourists. They can arrange a number of local cultural shows as part of their entertainment programmes. They can make tracks on either side of the 130 metre fall where lovers will spend imaginative moments of their life. You can go on imagining. The sky is the limit.

But who will take the lead? The central level politicians have no spare time from their politics of indulgence in power. The local level politicians are dependent on their central leaders. No visionary leader ever looks back into the villages. The villages need a lead, but a true lead is not forthcoming. When the shape of future of Nepal itself is not structured, the future of local structure is all the more foggy. In such a state of affairs, the leaders are not expected to take a deterministic step in local level development. That is the fate of local development now.

But there is a ray of hope in the case of the Pokali fall and its watershed area. Enthusiastic local youths of Okhaldhunga presently studying or working and residing in the capital have taken a due initiative to form a society called the Pokali Waterfall Service Society (PWSS). There are several inspirational features in the society. There are 14 founder members under the inspired chairmanship of a tantric student named Guru Kedar Baral. All the 14 members are young and energetic. Their composition is inclusive in nature with three women, two dalit and two Sunuwar members/ office bearers. With less than a year in existence, they have already published a calendar which could be the beginning of the tourism promotion activity. The Society is now articulating its future strategy. They can augment their work by working in collaboration with the development agencies some of which are named below.

Until a new local governance structure is developed under a new constitution, the District Development Committee (DDC) is the proper local governance unit that can decide the development activities within the district. Above the DDC, the Ministry of Local Development (MLD) is the central government agency that coordinates the local development programs and provides needed resources. Apart from that, a number of international governmental, intergovernmental and non governmental agencies are also involved in different programmes of local development. To take some examples, CARE/Nepal has been involved in a number of watershed management programs; SNV of the Netherlands and GTZ of Germany

are involved in different local development programs; UNDP has been supporting a number of local development programs.

The PWSS is a non governmental initiative that will harness support from all the possible sources. DDC is urged not only to support it but also to develop it as a model to be emulated by the other regions of the district. The government is urged to give it the needed resources and other support. The donors are urged to extend their helping hands in the development of the Pokali watershed area. The intellectuals are urged to develop a proper focus on the parameters of local or regional development. The hoteliers or resort owners are urged to expand their business in the rural areas, and give this venture a realistic consideration. Tourism must flourish in the private sector. It

will be the good policy of the government to promote such people oriented programs.